雲のいろいろ (十種雲形)

ご隠居生活の暇つぶしに、3か月前から水彩画を趣味で始めてみました。 お見苦しい絵ですが、その練習として雲の姿を描いてみました。御笑覧くだされ。 retired lazy tommy 


    No.1 巻雲(けんうん) 記号 Ci  正式名 Cirrus



   No.2 巻積雲(けんせきうん) Cc Cirrocumulus


   No.3 巻層雲(けんそううん) Cs Cirrosstratus



   No.4 積乱雲(せきらんうん) Cb Cumulonimbus


   No. 5 高積雲(こうせきうん) Ac Altocumulus

   No.6 高層雲(こうそううん) As Altostratus


   No.7 乱層雲(らんそううん) Ns Nimbostratus


   No.8 層積雲(そうせきうん) Sc Stratocumulus



   No.9 積雲(せきうん) Cu Cumulus


   No.10 層雲(そううん) St Stratus



Formation and Classification of Clouds --- from WIKIPEDIA

Clouds are formed when water evaporates from oceans, lakes, and ponds or by evapotranspiration over Earth's land surface and rises up into colder areas of the atmosphere due to convective, oragraphic, or frontal lifting. The water vapor attaches itself to condensation nuclei which could be anything from dust to microscopic particles of salt and debris. Once the vapour has been cooled to saturation, the cloud becomes visible.

Clouds can be divided into three main categories based upon the Latin root words which refer to the process of formation and physical structure of the clouds. The first of the three is Cirrus, which has only one genus and therefore shares the same name. It is in the high altitude range and occurs mostly in the form of filaments. The other two are Stratus that are mostly sheet-like in structure, and Cumulus that appear heaped, rolled, and/or rippled. Stratus and Cumulus occur in the high, medium, and low levels of the troposphere, so each of these categories have several cloud genera.

A total of ten cloud genera are derived by cross-classification of the stratus and cumulus categories into high (prefix cirro-), medium (prefix alto)-, low (no height related prefix), and low to medium (which has its own height criteria) ranges for a subtotal of eight main types. To these are added cirrus which is always high, and cumulonimbus which has its own height range characteristics as a cloud of vertical development.
Some classifications include the genus cumulus as a cloud of vertical development, but only its largest species, cumulus congestus, can be properly considered for this designation. Prefixes for cloud genera belonging to height ranges other than high and medium are either absent or refer to characteristics other than the height range.

The essentials of the modern nomenclature system for clouds were proposed by Luke Howard, a British manufacturing chemist and an amateur meteorologist with broad interests in science, in an 1802 presentation to the Askesian Society. Since 1890, clouds are classified and illustrated in cloud atlases.